Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.

4 Week Mini Skating Course


Learn To Skate Wednesdays

You are allowed to do make-up classes on Wednesdays or Saturdays. There are no allowed make-ups or credits for missed classes past your registered semester. If you have a medical emergency and cannot attend classes a doctor verification is required. If you do not check-in weekly at the front table for attendance no credit will be given for missed classes. We do not give cash refunds.


non refundable

Adult Hockey Classes Saturday

Non-refundable, make-ups can be made in the first week of the following semester.

Fresno Adult Hockey League

Contact Jason Rivera for any refunds.

Sept/Oct Adult Hockey Weds

Non-refundable, make-ups may be made the first week of the following of the semester.

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